Physical development, motivation, health, active lifestyle, teamwork, ambition, and self-control.
Twice a week outdoor physical education classes customised for each age group, with specialised trainers.
Sports activities for each age group, enabled through different games and roleplaying related to:
Mini – Tennis
Mini – Football
Mini – Basketball
Once a week class providing first contact (introduction) with termly selected sports disciplines for group ages starting from 3 years old and extended opt-in extracurricular activities based on:
Ice Skating
BEST Preschool partner locations for both fee-included sports activities outside the kindergarten and for extended opt-in extracurricular sports activities (sometimes addressed as clubs) are selected based on teaching act quality, premium facility availability, and proximity. In accordance with this our classes and opt-in extracurricular clubs take place at:
Contacting us through Whatsapp involves processing your personal data. Our Privacy Notice including information on how we process you personal data can be accessed here.
Sports initiation
Physical development, motivation, health, active lifestyle, teamwork, ambition, and self-control.
BEST Preschool partner locations for both fee-included sports activities outside the kindergarten and for extended opt-in extracurricular sports activities (sometimes addressed as clubs) are selected based on teaching act quality, premium facility availability, and proximity. In accordance with this our classes and opt-in extracurricular clubs take place at:
Stejarii Country Club – neighbour facility
Ţiriac Arena ice rink – based in Otopeni