Outdoor activities have recently become more and more sought by parents who want their child to learn through games, adventure or exploration activities. Many parents
chosee a kindergartens that integrate non-formal activities into their educational programs that take place in nature or unconventional locations outside of the classroom.
The importance of outdoor activities in kindergarten
Outdoor activities in kindergarten pique the child’s curiosity about the world around him and give him the opportunity to explore the natural environment through play. In this way, the child begins to cope independently while gaining self-confidence. Outdoor games give the little one time and opportunity to play with other children of the same age, make friends and build relationships.
Children need opportunities to explore, wonder, practice, push their limits, shout, sing, and create. That’s why it’s important for every child to have outdoor activities in kindergarten, where he spends most of their day.
Through outdoor activities in kindergarten, children learn to take risks, which will help them a lot in developing their personality. In addition, preschoolers develop motor skills such as strength, speed, endurance and agility when playing outdoors.
BEST Preschool – a kindergarten that involves preschool children in various outdoor activities
BEST Preschool, the sports kindergarten in Sector 1 of the Capital, is the perfect place for preschoolers to discover both themselves and the environment through outdoor activities organized in the facility’s spacious courtyard in the heart of the Baneasa Forest. The children spend more than 50% of their time outdoors, where they not only play but also learn about the world around them.
Outdoor activities at BEST Preschool help children learn in a fun way
At BEST Preschool, children learn math in nature while counting leaves, flowers, acorns, branches or mushrooms. They write numbers and letters on the asphalt with chalk and learn about the seasons and weather by following the changes in nature.
BEST Preschool provides quality education through its team of experts who are native English speakers. BEST Preschool teachers strongly believe that they can encourage children to develop independent thinking, adapt easily to any situation, have problem solving skills and shape their personality by providing a blend of academic and physical education through a healthy lifestyle and harmonious development.
In addition to outdoor activities, BEST Preschool relies on three other pillars – Sports Initiation, British Curriculum and Forest Experience.
If you are looking for a kindergarten that offers children all the facilities and opportunities mentioned above, you are invited for a tour at Best Preschool private kindergarten in the north of Bucharest. There you will get to know our location and convince yourself that it is the ideal choice for your child.